Tongue twisters are one of the most effective way to improve your pronunciation and build speaking confidence. They help you sharpen your pronunciation and speak more eloquently. In this post, I share the tongue twister routine for daily practice and top 105 English tongue twisters targeting to improve the most challenging English sounds and sound combinations.
Study method - how to improve pronunciation with tongue twisters
Follow this simple approach to incorporate tongue twisters into your learning process:
- Work on maximum 2 sounds in parallel. For example, you can work on the S sound and p/b sound pairs.
- Focus on a single tongue twister at a time. Don't just try to read through the whole list at once. Pick one, make sure you've mastered it, and then move on to the next tongue twister
- When starting to work on a new tongue twister, first learn to say it very slowly, but 100% precisely. Go to google translate, paste the tongue twister, and press the play button to listen to it a few times before practicing just like on the screenshot below.
- You must say it out loud. Don't just read it in your mind or mumble under your lips. Say it loudly and exaggerate the sounds at first before saying it naturally. It's better to practice alone so that you're comfortable with exaggerating the sounds.
- Practice for 5 minutes twice a day.

Group 1: S-Sound Tongue Twisters
- Slick silver seals slide swiftly seaside
- Six silly sisters sewed silk stitches
- Sassafras seeds scatter south in summer sunshine
- Sweet Swiss swans swim swiftly through swaying seaweed
- Sarah's soft silver slippers seem suspiciously sensational
- Singing songbirds soar skyward, sailing smoothly southward
- Seven seasick sailors sought seaside sanctuaries
- Smooth silk sashes sway silently in September
- Sophisticated Sebastian serves sublime sushi sideways
- Sunlit sapphires sparkle splendidly in spring
- Supple serpents slither silently through soft sand
- Sailing ships swish swiftly through stormy seas
- Sleek silver scissors slice silken strands smoothly
- Sandy shores shimmer serenely in summer sunshine
- Silver streams splash softly, sending sparkling spray skyward
Group 2: P/B Sound Tongue Twisters
- Plucky purple penguins play ping pong perfectly
- Busy bees buzz boldly by blooming bluebells
- Proud peacocks parade past pristine palace paths
- Bumbling brown bears bring bright berries beneath birch branches
- Peculiar purple parrots practice proper pronunciation
- Barefoot Billy bounces bouncy balls by babbling brooks
- Playful puppies pounce promptly past proper picket porches
- Brightly painted butterflies bring blissful breezes
- Prickly pear patches produce particularly purple produce
- Busy bakers blend better butter before breakfast
- Posh people prefer perfectly prepared pasta portions
- Brave brothers battle big black bears beyond bridges
- Perplexed philosophers ponder profound problems patiently
- Bustling buses bump bumpily by brilliant buildings
- Proper pink piglets prefer pleasant puddle parties
Group 3: R Sound Tongue Twisters
- Rare red rabbits race 'round rustic rural roads
- Robust roosters regularly roam rocky regions
- Really remarkable raindrops rapidly ripple rivers
- Rebellious raccoons raid ripe raspberry reserves
- Rambunctious rodents rummage through rusty rafters
- Radiant rainbow ribbons rise 'round rainy regions
- Restless rangers rarely rest 'round roaring rivers
- Rhythmic drums rumble 'round remote rural regions
- Regal royal rulers rarely ride raging rapids
- Robust rubber rafts roll roughly 'round river rocks
- Red robins regularly return 'round ripening raspberries
- Roaming reindeer race 'round rigid rocky ridges
- Ripe red cherries rarely remain readily reachable
- Rowdy renegades rarely remain rather reasonable
- Rushing rivers rapidly run 'round rugged rocks
Group 4: T/D Sound Tongue Twisters
- Daring dragons dance down dusty dark dungeons
- Tiny tadpoles tumble through turbulent tides
- Determined detectives detect tricky details daily
- Twenty talented teachers take tedious tests today
- Dedicated doctors diligently deliver detailed diagnoses
- Tender turkey treats tempt ten tired toddlers
- Delightful dragonflies dart 'twixt dewy dandelions
- Tremendous thunder trembles through towering trees
- Dainty dolphins dive deep down dark depths
- Traditional traders trade treasured trinkets tenderly
- Dutiful daughters dust delicate decorative dishes
- Tattered kites tangle 'twixt tall telephone towers
- Dazzling dewdrops dance 'top tender tulip tips
- Talented tailors tend to torn textile treasures
- Determined ducklings dive down deep dark depths
Group 5: W Sound Tongue Twisters
- Weary walruses wade while watching wild waves
- Whimsical white whales whisper while wandering
- Wise wombats weave wonderful winter wreaths
- Winding waterways wander where willows weep
- Wayward whistling winds whirl within windows
- Waddling woodpeckers work while watching worms
- Wealthy widows wear white winter wraps
- Wandering wizards weave wondrous wishes wisely
- Wiggling weasels welcome warm weather willingly
- Withdrawn walkers wander winding woodland ways
- Wistful waterfowl wade where water wells
- Wary wolves watch while wild weather wanes
- Weathered wagons wheel westward with wheat
- Wondering woodsmen witness wild wilderness waking
- Willing workers weave wonderful wire wreaths
Group 6: L Sound Tongue Twisters
- Lovely little lilies line long lake lanes
- Lively leopards leap lightly through lush leaves
- Laughing children learn lively lessons leisurely
- Lonely lighthouse lanterns light late lunar landscapes
- Loyal lions lead little lambs along lovely lanes
- Lingering lightning illuminates lilac-laden lakes
- Lullabies lull little ones lovingly to sleep
- Lucky ladybugs land lightly on leafy lettuce
- Luminous fireflies light long lasting lanes
- Lavender fields bloom lazily through late summer
- Leaping lizards like lounging on low lying logs
- Large libraries line long lasting lanes
- Lofty eagles land lightly on lonely ledges
- Luscious lemons line long lasting lattices
- Lasting love letters linger in locked libraries
Group 7: TH Sound Tongue Twisters
- Thirty thoughtful thieves think thankful thoughts
- These thorny threads thread through thick thimbles
- Theoretical theologians theorize thoroughly through thesis
- That thriving thrush thrashes through thick thorns
- Thunder threatens three thrilling theatrical themes
- Thoughtful therapists thoroughly thank their throngs
- Thirsty thrushes thread through thirsty thistle thickets
- Those three brothers think through their theories
- Thick thistle thickets thwart thoughtless thieves
- Thermometers thoroughly measure thick thermal things
- Thrifty theater thinkers thresh through themes
- Thousand thanks thread through three thick thoughts
- Therapeutic thinking thrives through thorough thoughts
- These three thousand things thrill thoughtful youth
- Thematic theories thoroughly thank their theorists
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